Dear Fur-iends and Sup-paw-ters,
The last time we talked, the Cleveland APL had officially broken ground on its big renovation project. I attended this very special event with my dad. As you know I am the honorary co-chair of the campaign, and I had a special t-shirt, my own tool belt and a hard hat. I let dad actually hold the shovel and turn over the dirt with my friends from the APL because of that opposable thumbs thing!
That was such a special day and then this COVID-19 pandemic thing shows up and changes everything! For the safety of the talented folks working on our project, construction has been put on hold until people no longer have to “social distance.” I understand this is a very important thing to keep people healthy! I am glad I don’t have to do that because, as a very friendly dog, I love to be close to people!
Before the Cleveland APL had to stop its project, the construction team was working on a new, industrial laundry room. And boy, is that needed. Did you know that in order to have large, commercial-style washing machines, you need to have strong enough floors and some other engineering things that I don’t quite understand? Long story short, the Cleveland APL was doing so many loads of laundry each day in machines that were not big enough: machines they couldn’t replace until they did a project like this Capital Campaign and poured a new, strong concrete floor!
The amount of time these fancy new machines are going to save is amazing. It might not seem like much to you, but know that for animals like me when I was at the shelter, it is a big deal! It means that the people at the APL will have to spend less time doing laundry and can spend more time walking and playing with us, and giving us toys and other enrichment. The more enrichment animals get, the happier they are. Not only will we have clean laundry, but we’ll have less stress. That seems like a win-win to me!
Auntie Sharon’s letter focuses a lot on how the Cleveland APL has adapted to meet the needs brought on by this COVID-19 virus. This letter was printed at the beginning of April and a lot could have changed by now. Several of the APL’s big events have been cancelled or postponed, but those good people are still out there doing everything they can to help animals and people in need. So I just want to say that the Cleveland APL needs our help now more than ever.
I hope that you’ll be able to support the Cleveland APL, and maybe even make an additional donation to their Unleash the Dream Capital Campaign. Visit today. The changes they’re working on are needed now more than ever. Once they’re back to running like normal, they’ll have to do twice as many spay/neuter surgeries, and I would love it if they could do some of them in a nice new clinic! Until then, wash your paws and stay six feet (about two of me) apart from each other!!!
Woofing sincerely,
Indiana Bones